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  30 Candies per Bag   Lab Results
30 - 10MG gummy candies in your favorite flavors!  Ingredients - Corn Syrup, Gelatin, Humectant, Sorbitol, Modified Corn Starch, Invert Sugar Syrup, Citric Acid, Lactic...
  You asked, here it is! Delta-8 THC gummies! Unlike CBD gummies, these are slightly psychoactive and you may feel a mild and relaxing high without...
Old time style hard candy! Lemon and Watermelon drops for a "tincture-like" edible with a great taste! MADE IN USA Size: 1 bottle (30 candies) Strength: 750...
Strawberry Puffs and Gummy Cherries infused with our high quality CBD and a touch of melatonin to help with sleep! Per Gummy - 25MG of CBD...
Our colorful and tasty CBD-infused gummy bears come in three flavors and make ingesting CBD delicious and enjoyable. Each cherry, orange, or lemon gummy bear...
 Delta-10 is known as the Super Sativa! You asked, here it is! Delta-10 THC gummies! Unlike CBD gummies, these are slightly psychoactive and you may feel...
1 pound of our Whole Bean, Costa Rican, CBD infused Coffee. Comes in 4 different flavors. Just Grind up and brew! All Zero THC! MADE...
200MG of fully federal compliant, hemp derived Delta-9 THC gummies!! Unlike CBD gummies, these are slightly psychoactive and you may feel a mild and relaxing...
Our colorful and tasty CBD-infused gummy bears come in three flavors and make ingesting CBD delicious and enjoyable. Each cherry, orange, or lemon gummy bear...
Non-GMO, Certified Vegan, Lab Tested and made with USA Organically Grown Hemp, our HHC Distillate infused gummies are here! These gummies come in an assorted...
Description Our sweet tasting, lab tested CBD gummy edibles now come in a sugar-free option! Each gummy contains 12.5 mg of pure CBD. Our Gummies...

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